The quieter you become the more you can hear ~ Ram Dass

Friday, June 13, 2014


The place we stayed in Vegas was hosting a fundraiser for the Burlesque Hall Of Fame for 3 days while we were there.

I think we could have gotten tickets to some of the shows but at the time for some reason I thought it was a convention.  I think it would have been fun as I've never seen Burlesque.  It was neat seeing the Burlesque people and how they dressed.  Some were quite bawdy and risque, ha!

Son's girlfriend even asked a couple that were at the food court to take their picture which she took because I was too embarrassed lol.  

1 comment:

My name WAS Female, I shit you not! said...

Been to a few burlesque shows in LA moons ago.
Not the big production ones they have now, but I'd like to.
Loved the jokes and costumes.