Months ago, every few days I would hear a little squeak. It wasn't long enough to tell where it was coming from. This happened for a couple of weeks. Then I started hearing it once or twice a day but it was still too quick. I started thinking maybe it was one of the smoke detectors announcing that its battery was low but I wasn't sure.
Finally, it started happening more and more and we realized it was coming from the refrigerator. We pretty much didn't do anything about it though. We were kind of waiting to see what would happen LOL.
Then a couple of more weeks went by and I bought some ice cream from Schwans. I only had it about a day and when I went to get some and it seemed very soft. I checked the next day and the ice cream seemed like it was really starting to melt. I mentioned it to my husband so he put a thermometer in the refrigerator and freezer part and turned up the controls. In the meantime, I naturally had to eat up all the ice cream because it was melting ;-).
For a couple of days we checked and obviously something was wrong because the temperature wasn't going in the right direction. Luckily the meat was still frozen.
One day we were talking about if we would have to buy a new fridge, when suddenly I remembered I hadn't heard the squeaking noise for a while . Then we started thinking about when the last time the fridge was pulled from the wall and cleaned in the back. Uh oh, it was years.
He pulled it out. Oh my goodness, I wish I would have thought at the time to take a picture but unfortunately, I didn't. There was so much dust over the back of it. I think the squeak was a "scream for help" from the refrigerator that we didn't understand at the time LOL. My husband vacuumed it all out and it seems to be working now.
So, this is a PSA. If you ever hear a squeak coming from the fridge - it might be your fridge asking/pleading/screaming for help - just sayin.