The quieter you become the more you can hear ~ Ram Dass

Friday, October 23, 2009

Rainy Friday

Ron caught fish yesterday Yeah! When they split them up he had 3 pounds.

Mom called last night telling me she had no blanket and if I could bring her one. I mentioned that she had one in her closet. I told her I'd call the nurse and tell her. So I did. I said to her today next time she should just ring the buzzer and they would give her one. I don't know why she didn't think of that. Ron thinks it was because we didn't go yesterday and she wanted to talk to me. If that was the case she would have talked to me longer. I think sometimes her mind isn't working. Today, we sat in the usual lounge area and then the last 1/2 hours we took her to sit in the lobby. I think I will start doing that for a while. It will be nice when it's colder because they have a fireplace.

I got a response from Roomba yesterday. They apologized for the inconvenience and that our new robot is in production and should be sent in the next 2 -3 business days. I so hope this one works.

It's a raincoat kind a day again. Although Ron is nice enough to drop me off right by the door so I don't get wet.

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