The quieter you become the more you can hear ~ Ram Dass

Friday, December 21, 2012

Mary #40

This is a continuing story.  If you want to read from the beginning, please go to my side bar to the labels and click on story-Mary or click here.


They both looked up and Elizabeth said “That’s me.”

“Would you like to follow me?”

They got up and Elizabeth whispered to Mary “not really” and she chuckled.

They followed the nurse into a big room.   They could see there were about ten chairs that reclined.  There were curtains on either side of each chair. Some patients had their curtains open and some were closed.  The nurse showed them to where Elizabeth would be.  She sat in the recliner and the nurse brought Mary a chair so she could sit and the nurse said “I’ll be right back.”

They both sat their quietly and then Mary noticed tears in Elizabeth’s eyes.  She reached for her hand and held it until the nurse came back.

“We’ll have to get this IV in first.”  She took Elizabeth’s arm and looked around.  Then she took her hand and said “I think I’ve got a good vein here.”  She rubbed alcohol on it and said “you’re going to feel a little pinch” as she stuck the needle in.  She taped it up and then went and got the first medicine and hooked it up.  “When this is done, I’ll be bringing you the chemo that you learned about that has to be put in slowly.  That will take a while and then you’ll get the other stuff.  You should be done in about three hours.” 

“Okay, thanks” Elizabeth.

“If you feel strange in anyway just ring this bell and I’ll come” and she left.

“I see they have coffee there, you want some?”

“Yeah, I could use it.  I hardly slept last night.”

Mary went and got the coffee and brought it back. 

“Guess what, they already laid Sadie off.

“Oh my, did you find out anything about your job?”

“I called my boss yesterday to find out.  I got the boot too.”

“You did, why didn’t you tell me yesterday?”

“I didn’t want you to have to worry about me.”

“That’s just terrible.  All those years you worked there.”

“So anyhow, I brought this notebook with me.  Hypothetically speaking of course, if I did decide to open up a B&B I thought we could discuss some ideas for it.  What do you think; would you be interested in doing that?”

“Boy would I ever.”

“Now then, let’s start with the outside.  The farmstead on the outside is looking pretty rough I could either get it repainted or do you think siding would be better?”

“My opinion would be to have it painted.  I think it would look like more of a country home.  Although if you had it sided, you wouldn’t have to worry about it for years.”

“Those are both valid points” and Mary jotted down both ideas.

“The front porch could also use some fixing up.  I think it could use some new wood railings going up the steps.”

“You know, I know a good contractor in town that could handle the whole thing hypothetically speaking of course” and Elizabeth laughed and Mary did too”.

“Really, I’m serious.  He’s very reasonable.  We had work done on our house and I’ve recommended him several times.”

Suddenly, the nurse came up holding a big syringe with red liquid inside.  “It’s time to start your chemo.  I’m going to put the syringe in this little part here and push the liquid in very slowly.  It will seem like I’m barely putting it in but believe me it won’t take long.  Then I’ll bring the other chemo and when that’s done you’ll be good to go.”

“Okay” Elizabeth said and Mary could see the tears starting to form in her eyes.

“Let’s get back to this planning” Mary said trying to distract Elizabeth.  “This might be a crazy idea but what if a garden was planted.   A little bit of money could be saved by using the food from the garden.  If the garden did well, I could can vegetables.  Your Ma taught you too didn’t she?”

“Mary, I haven’t done that in years.”

“I’m sure it’s like riding a bike.  A little searching on the Internet and I know it will refresh our memories.”

“I suppose.”

“I’m getting a little hungry” Elizabeth said.

The nurse said “We have some crackers if you want.  Or the cafeteria’s open.”

“Mary would you get me a salad?”

“Sure” and Mary left.

When she got back with the food, the nurse was gone and Elizabeth had fallen asleep.  Mary decided not to wake Elizabeth and she ate her salad quietly so as to not disturb her. 

When she was done eating she jotted notes down about the B&B and before she knew it the nurse was coming back.

“Elizabeth” the nurse whispered.

She woke up “Yes?”

“You’re all done.  I’m going to take your IV out.”  The nurse took the IV out and then put a bandage where the needle had been.  “Here are your prescriptions and remember to come back tomorrow for your shot.”

“Thanks” she said as she took the papers.

“I’ll see you at your next treatment.  Don’t forget any problems give Dr. Rogers a call.  Bye”

“Bye” Elizabeth said.  Then she noticed the salad and said “I’m so sorry I made you buy that salad.  I think I was so exhausted I fell asleep when the nurse left me.”

“Don’t worry about it.  You needed it.  Are you ready?”

“And how” and they left.


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