The quieter you become the more you can hear ~ Ram Dass

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Beatles

The Beatles came out when I was in grade school.  I never did get to see them in concert.  I did, however, get to see them.  

A bunch of my friends and me went downtown when they were here for a concert and stood outside the hotel they were staying at with 1000's of either people.  They actually waved out the window and yes, we all screamed when we saw them LOL. 

They were here in 1964 and 1966 so I'm not sure which one I was at the hotel for.  If you get a chance take a look at this you tube video   
of some official person talking about the event at the stadium.  It's hilarious LOL.  


Debbiedoos said...

COOl experience, you where lucky to get to see them ICONS!~

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

I never got to see them, although Paul was my boyfriend. I'm envious that you laid eyes on them.

Have you seen that biopic on John Lennon? It's SUPERB. He narrates a whole bunch of it and there is all kinds of historic footage.