The quieter you become the more you can hear ~ Ram Dass

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Saturday thoughts

Although Mom was doing good yesterday, she mentioned Thursday she had some gastro intestinal problems (I won't go into details) on Thursday but she was feeling good. Later in the day yesterday, she called me and again after lunch she had the same issues. They told her she would probably stay in bed the next couple of days. I wonder if she's got some kind of virus or I'm wondering about the candy I bring her. Since she's a diabetic, I bring her candy that has a sugar substitute in it. I only bring her about 7 or 8 pieces because I know it can cause issues. Lately, I've been alternating with pretzels which have never caused any problems. Hopefully, when I go tomorrow her regular nurse will be in and I can discuss this with her.

I saw the activities director in the hallway and she said she already used two of the CD's that I brought her.

They have this tree by the parking lot and it's the first time I noticed since fall came and the leaves were gone there are red berries on it. At first I thought it was tiny leaves growing but on closer inspection they were indeed berries. It sure looked gorgeous.

1 comment:

The Park Wife said...

Hi Viki,
Thanks for coming by my blog, come back soon.

I hope your mom is feeling better, I bet that is very hard for you.
Take care,
The Park Wife