The quieter you become the more you can hear ~ Ram Dass

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Tree lighting ceremony

They had a tree lighting ceremony at the nursing home yesterday.  My cousin and her husband, the same ones that brought the flowers, took Mom to it.  She emailed me last night and said they lit trees outside and unless you were close to the windows you didn't get to see the lighting of the trees, which they didn't. She talked to one of the people in charge and mentioned that she thought they were going to light the trees in the facility.  This was the first year they did it and she said maybe next year they would.  I know you could sponsor a tree for Alzheimer's and I wasn't sure how they were going to do that.  I suppose when you try something new, it takes a while to work the kinks out.  Maybe by next year they will.

When I went to see Mom today she didn't seem to mind that she didn't actually see the ceremony.  In fact, she didn't mention it ;-)
She was very excited to tell me about it.  She had snacks and they had flute players playing.  She said she really had a good time and it was so festive.  Thanks cousin for taking her and for the pictures.

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