The quieter you become the more you can hear ~ Ram Dass

Monday, November 30, 2009

This and that

Yesterday when I was opening a can for the dog, I cut the top of my index finger.  Ouch!!  It was bleeding a lot.  I almost thought I was going to need stitches.  We put peroxide on it and bandaged it pretty good.  I cleaned it again in the evening and it was still bleeding but only a little bit.  So I put another band aid on.  This morning it's fine.  Thank goodness, I would have hated to go to ER.

We went to see mom as usual.  We sat in the lobby by the fireplace.  It's so cozy.

I bought some raffle tickets there.  They are raffling off some little decorated Christmas trees and wreaths on December 3rd.  Each department made them.  The raffle is for Alzheimer's.  This is the first year they did this and she said they've gotten a good response.  Hopefully, we might win something.

I'm decorating the tree slowly but surely.  I'll probably get it done today.  After that I still have a few more things to get out and then I should be done.

Have a good day.

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