The quieter you become the more you can hear ~ Ram Dass

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Not much

My slowly but surely, didn't get my tree done LOL.  I fooled around all day off and on decorating it and then it got too dark where I couldn't really see where I needed to put more ornaments.  I WILL definitely get it done today. 
Did anyone when their kids were little read a book called "Snow"  by Philip D. Easman & Roy McKie.  I used to read this all the time to my son when he was little.  We used to especially laugh when it said "Do you like it in your face" and then the child would say "Yes, I like it any place".  I think I used to laugh more than my son.  Every time we have the first snow, I always laugh and think about that little book.  How I miss those times.

1 comment:

Sandra said...

I am a retired school librarian; and, SNOW was a book in our library. I can close my eyes and see the cover. It is one of the "oldies but goodies". Glad you enjoy it with your little one.