The quieter you become the more you can hear ~ Ram Dass

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Over the weekend, I tried to work up a schedule on how I can do everything I need to get done in my home during the week.   Leaving the weekends, somewhat free.  There is really no reason why I shouldn't be able to do it because I don't work outside the home.  No kids at home.We are only going to see Mom 4 days a week now.  I should be able to do this. 

I really want to start reading.  I am not the type of reader that can take weeks to read a book.  If I can't sit down and read continuously, I'm not going to do it.  I'm thinking on Saturdays could be my reading day and if I have to, finish up on Sunday. 

I'll see if this works for me.  I've done Flylady off and on for years.  If I do it  it's great, but then for some reason I always get thrown off track.  I know your supposed to do baby steps and just start again but I'm going to try this.  Once things get back in order, perhaps I'll try it again. I'll let you know how this plan works.  So, far I did what I had scheduled for Monday.  I think I'm on a roll LOL.


Cathryn said...

Viki--I had to tell you that I along an award to you. Please check my blog for details! :D

Christine - Tutorial Addict :) said...

I know what you mean about the schedules. Seems like whenever I *think* I have a schedule in place something like a holiday or trip or something comes along to mess it all up! lol I'm trying to get one room done each day, we'll see how that works out ;-) Good luck with your scheduling!

Harvard Housewife said...

I can't seem to get on a schedule either. I try to clean on Wednesdays but then, what the heck do I do the rest of the week?

~~Rhonda said...

Sometimes it's more fun to plan the schedule than to do the schedule! I speak from vast experience! :) One day at a time. Just start where you are and move forward. ~~Rhonda :)

lagata said...

I try to schedule or at least make a list. I have used flylady too :)

Anonymous said...

Right now, I am a SAHW too! And, I feel guilty that I haven't been able to get things under control around here! I am also a fan of Flylady! I just wish I could get on board and stay on board! It really works, IF you do it! LOL! Another thing I have been trying to do is make a menu. Things seem so much easier when I know the answer to that dreaded question I hear every day! Have you checked out Organized Junkie's website. She does Menu Plan Monday every week. She includes a Mr. Linky so that everyone participating can put a link to their blog and the menu they are using that week. It's GREAT for new ideas. I don't like eating the same thing over and over! LOL!